Hardcore History
show guides

Welcome, Hardcore History fans!

We're making show guides for Hardcore History episodes. As we listen, we often wish for maps, chapterization and supporting images. Sometimes we get confused about what year it is at different parts of the story. So we're working on these show guides to help.

The following are annotated "timelines". The annotations are all linked up to timestamps in the actual audio, so you can skip around the episode easily or repeat a chapter. The player automatically scrolls through as you listen.

We welcome contributors to join this project: If you're a history nerd and would like to get involved, please let us know! The more the merrier as we put together these guides.

The software Lyndon made makes it easy for anyone to contribute.

We're also interested in adding other shows, not just Hardcore History. If you're interested in that.

Blueprint for Armageddon I

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“The planet hadn't seen a major war between all the Great Powers since the downfall of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs the planet.”

Blueprint for Armageddon II


View show guide

“The Great Powers all come out swinging in the first round of the worst war the planet has ever seen. Millions of men in dozens of armies vie in the most deadly and complex opening moves of any conflict in world history.”

Blueprint for Armageddon III

“The war of maneuver that was supposed to be over quickly instead turns into a lingering bloody stalemate. Trench warfare begins, and with it, all the murderous efforts on both sides to overcome the static defenses.”

Blueprint for Armageddon IV

“Machine guns, barbed wire and millions upon millions of artillery shells create industrialized meat grinders at Verdun and the Somme. There's never been a human experience like it and it changes a generation.”

Blueprint for Armageddon V

“Politics, diplomacy, revolution and mutiny take center stage at the start of this episode, but mud, blood, shells and tragedy drown all by the end.”

Blueprint for Armageddon VI

“The Americans are coming, but will the war be over by the time they get there? Germany throws everything into a last series of stupendous attacks in the West while hoping to avoid getting burned by a fire in the East they helped fan.”


Lyndon Froese and Terrell Froese are the main people behind this project (and yes, we are brothers). We'd love to hear from you at hello@timelinenotation.com

Find Lyndon on various social media through the links on his website.

Find Terrell on Instagram @terryterritory